Executive Physical

After my wife, Marion, died in March of last year I wrote two letters updating friends and clients on how my kids and I were doing and how I was thinking about my future. One of the things I mentioned in both was getting an executive physical to see where my health genuinely stood to avoid a similar surprise as what had stricken my wife.


Q4 2023 Market Outlook

Last year was an excellent year for stocks as the major averages regained most of what they lost in 2022. We are not expecting 2024 to see similar returns as the economy slows and the U.S. market is once again pricey.


Scott Update

Scott Update

Message From Scott


Q3 2022 Market Outlook

In late June and early July, we had grown a bit more optimistic on the outlook for stock and bond markets under the belief that market participants had gotten quite bearish, valuations were no longer extreme, and the path of the economy and inflation might prove to exceed pessimistic expectations.


Titan Talks Interview

Scott discusses how the changing times influence portfolio construction, firm philosophy and overall strategy.


Mid-Year Outlook

After being very cautious on the outlook for stock and bond markets coming into this year, we have recently begun adding some risk back to client portfolios. We are not wildly bullish but feel that the time for maximum bearishness has passed. In this letter we share an update on BRAVE, our reasons for being a bit less cautious on markets, and how we are implementing that change.


May 2022 Update

We are sending this brief note to update you on our thinking on the markets in light of the recent challenging action. The U.S. markets are off to their worst start to a year in eight to nine decades. The S&P 500 is down 13% for the year, the Nasdaq is off 23% from its high, and the bond market is down over 9%.


February 2022 Quarterly Review

Happy 2022! Unfortunately, it has not been a very happy start to the year for stock and bond markets so far after an excellent year for most asset markets in 2021. In this letter we share an update on BRAVE, our KISS approach to the markets at present, how we are implementing that approach in managing our client portfolios, and a couple administrative items.


January 2022 Announcement

We are excited to let you know that Angelica Ramos recently started working with us in our Summit office. Angie will be working closely with Suzie to continue to provide excellent service to our clients.


Midyear 2021 Quarterly Review

In this letter we share an update on BRAVE, some thoughts on potential tax changes and what you may want to think about doing with your portfolios and other assets in light of those, a discussion on ROTH conversions, the continued current expensive state of U.S. equity markets, and how we are managing our client portfolios.


February 2021 Quarterly Review

Last year was a difficult year in many respects but turned out to be an above-average year for most financial markets and for BRAVE Family Advisors (BFA). In this letter we share some thoughts on those two developments and on how upcoming potential tax policy changes may impact your finances, the current expensive state of U.S. equity and fixed income markets, and how we are managing our client portfolios in reaction to that situation.


January 2021 Announcement

We are excited to let you know that Peter C. Van Alstyne recently started working with BRAVE Family Advisors. His primary focus will be in the area of business development.


December 2020 Client Update

The federal government has enacted a new set of programs in an attempt to provide additional financial relief to the American people and businesses from the Covid-19 crisis. There are many provisions within the various programs, but we attempt to summarize those aspects that we believe are most important to our clients.


December 2020 Yearend Opportunities

This time of the year can get busy as we prepare for the holidays (even in our current COVID era…) and for various yearend deadlines. However, there are a number of opportunities in our financial worlds that can be missed when the calendar turns to January 1st in a few short weeks.


September 2020 Quarterly Review

In this letter we share some thoughts on how the upcoming election may impact your finances, the current expensive state of the equity market, how we are managing our client portfolios in reaction to that situation, and an update on all things BRAVE.


July 2020 Announcement

Over the years, we’ve heard from you that Brave Asset Management is more than a financial firm; we are trusted partners in securing your financial future in every aspect – from establishing strong foundations for your family’s security to being pillars of support when the going gets tough.


May 2020 Quarterly Review

The following are some reflections driven by the crisis experience, thoughts on the markets, current portfolio themes, a review of recent government relief efforts that may have implications for your finances, and an update on some administrative items.


March 2020 Client Update #2

The federal government enacted far reaching measures last week in an attempt to provide financial relief to the American people and businesses from the Covid-19 crisis. There are many provisions within the various programs, but we attempt to summarize those aspects that we believe are most important to our clients.


March 2020 Client Update #1

For the first time in months we are beginning to feel more optimistic about the outlook for risk markets. The last month has been one of the most stressful times in modern history as health uncertainties have combined with unprecedented financial market turbulence.


January 2020 Quarterly Review

We hope 2020 is off to a great start! The following is an update on BRAVE, some market and portfolio thoughts, major retirement plan changes due to the SECURE Act, and a few administrative items.


October 2019 Quarterly Review

The third quarter saw a mixed performance in asset markets as increased concerns about an economic slowdown served to increase volatility relative to the experience during the first half of the year.


July 2019 Quarterly Review

The strong start to the year that was seen during the first quarter of 2019 continued through the balance of the first half with the U.S. stock market posting the best performance for the first half of any year since 1997.


May 2019 Announcement

We are excited to announce that Jamie Haire has joined Brave Asset Management as Vice President-Advisor. Jamie comes to BAM after a successful 18-year Wall Street career with his last 8 years spent at Millennium Partners, a New York-based $40 billion hedge fund.


April 2019 Quarterly Review

What a difference a quarter makes! The first quarter of 2019 was one of the strongest starts to a year in decades. The rally in most risk assets undid virtually all the damage that was experienced during last year’s final three months.


March 2019 The Case for “Unbundled” 401(k) Plans

An open-architecture approach that often brings 1.) greater transparency, 2.) lower fees and better performance for the participants, and 3.) reduced financial/legal liability for the business owner


March 2019 ADV Brochure

This Brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Brave Asset Management, Inc. (“ADVISER” or “BAM”).


January 2019 Quarterly Review

Well, that was exciting! Most trends that had been in place for a number of months (or in some cases years) came to an abrupt halt at the beginning of the fourth quarter.


November 2018 Market Update

October saw a return of volatility to risk markets with the S&P 500 down by 6.9% for the month. Interestingly, the U.S. fixed income market did not provide any safety as it posted a loss of 0.6% (as measured by the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index).


October 2018 Quarterly Review

Our market outlook remains very similar to what it was three months ago with the primary changes being that conditions in place then have generally gotten more stretched. There are many reasons to suspect that the U.S. stock market and economy are in the late innings of the current expansion, but we are still challenged in trying to determine whether it is the top of the 7th or the bottom of the 9th.


July 2018 Quarterly Review

The second quarter of the year offered relative calm in most markets after the multi-year highs in volatility seen during the first three months of the year.  The individual performances across asset classes were affected by continued strong U.S. economic and profit growth combined with higher interest rates and a firm dollar.


April 2018 Quarterly Review

The S&P 500 index finished the first quarter with a total return of minus 0.8%. What a quiet start for the year…NOT! After a historic lack of volatility in 2017, it came back with a vengeance in the first three months of 2018.


February 2018 Market Review

Although we have been expecting the end of the 35-year bull market in bonds for a couple of years now, our conviction that that time is upon us has grown significantly over the last six months as bearish forces on both the demand and supply sides of the U.S. credit markets look set to intensify.


January 2018 Quarterly Review

The US stock market marched steadily upward during the 4th quarter of 2017 and finished with the broad stock averages at all-time highs. There were almost no retreats during the year, as most of the modest downward blips were temporary reactions to single news headlines, not changes in established trends.


December 2017 Tax Law Implications

There are a few important changes in the new tax law that we want to bring to your attention prior to yearend. The following overview is provided to you for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax advice.


October 2017 Quarterly Review

The US stock market ignored a barrage of potentially troubling developments, ranging from hurricanes to the usual geopolitical and domestic misbehavior, and the broad market averages recorded gains of approximately 5% for the third quarter.


July 2017 Quarterly Review

The US stock market ended the second quarter with very modest net gains, as a narrow group of technology favorites gathered most of the attention and encouragement from market commentators. The US economy appears to be gaining at a steady 2% pace, with solid employment numbers and inflation subdued at less than 2%.


April 2017 Quarterly Review

The US stock market chugged ahead in early 2017, adding to the gains achieved in the post-election rally, and the broad stock market indexes made a series of new highs before flattening out during the month of March. For the quarter, the major stock indexes returned 5-10%, meeting or exceeding the full-year returns forecast by most pundits.


January 2017 Quarterly Review

The US stock market ended 2016 with a strong rally, as the national election results provoked hopes that changing approaches to fiscal stimulus and deregulation might boost a sluggish economy. The broad stock market indices made a series of historic highs, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average nearing the 20000 mark.